Servant Leadership in Tech

As an engineering manager, you know that your role is about more than just managing people and projects. It’s about creating a positive and supportive work environment that fosters creativity, innovation, and collaboration. That’s where the power of servant leadership comes in. Servant leadership is […]

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My Leadership Circle Profile

What’s this leadership circle profile all about? Before that, I believe in the market there are many tools to measure leadership. And this is just one of them. The way it does this is to breakdown your behavior and action against the following condition: Both […]

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Organizing a remote hack week

In recent years, Hackathon/hack week/hack day has been the driving force behind the innovation of the large company. It also serves multi-purpose. 1) Medium for recruitment to find passionate engineers. 2) Timeout and a change of pace from the usual backlogs. 3) Builds culture and […]

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Clean Code

Clean code was made popular by publishing a book by Robert C. Martin titled Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship. It talks about writing clean, understandable, and maintainable code is a skill that is crucial for every developer to master. “Any fool can […]

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