Obituary Exercise

If you don’t know what this exercise is, search for it. You’ll get the idea, is pretty straightforward. That is to plan ahead and connect with what means to you or your company, and what impact it has made over the life span.

Back from my previous post where I share about General Magic. Those are the things that have happened. Regardless, is a nice documentary about the history of our tech world, and there is so much learning from it. Is easy to write an obituary for the General Magic. But, can we foresee what’s ahead? That is for our imagination to connect.

Part of the exercise is to answer the following questions:

  • How did it fail or end?
  • What and how did you impact or change?
  • What were the major accomplishments?
  • What did people remember you for? Your legacy?

Finally, write one or 2 paragraphs of the obituary that summarizes the whole thing.

For the company.

It was a pretty eye-opening exercise for me, mainly because is new to me. And, the takeaway is pretty huge at least for me. We manage to align how and where the company should head towards.

Some ideas are quite wild, some are logical short-term threats. And, it highlights the important gap that can be addressed. 

We also manage to align with our values, on what is important and how/who are we serving and building solutions for.

In a nutshell

It a worthy exercise to do for your company. Get everybody involved, so you can see some other blind spot as well as shared the discussion with your team.

Is also worth extending this exercise for personal and just to align with how you want other people and yourself to see yourself when your journey comes to an end.