Paradigm & Principle from 7 Habit
Paradigm is an important mindset adjustment is needed in order for us to fully understand and practice 7 habits. What does it mean? We have to always see things differently (taking from Habit 4: Seek to understand to be understood).
We don’t see things as it is, we persive things as it is.
Thinking Fast and Slow mentions something about System 1 and System 2. By nature, we react quickly when something happens, using our perception and judge what is good or bad.
A story that Stephen share during the course felt deeply in me. “Imagine you were taking a ride peacefully in the morning. Suddenly, you heard a bunch of kids shouting and screaming as they enter the train. Their dad then sits beside you quietly. What would you do?”
We feel anger and piss off. Right? What if you know, they just so happen lost their loved ones, and on the way back from the hospital? You now feel more forgiving. That is the paradigm shift.
We can control the way we feel and act, by shifting our paradigm that suits the situation. Understand the background, and action before jumping to a conclusion.
Another powerful word I learn is this. Principle. The traditional concept to get things done or to achieve anything is to get in control. Control our actions. “I want to earn more, thus I need to hustle more. Get control of yourself and stop procrastinating!”
Well, we’re not in control. Principle control, because the principle is constant and ultimately govern. Let me break this down with an example. It takes continuous effort to achieve something. Especially if it is something big. Do you think is easy to fight procrastination, and pushing yourself to hustle? It will be tough, and through a lot of will power.
Traditional concept is to get in control. We’re not in control.
But, what if having the right principle? Understanding your end-goal, what motivates and controls you? Your principle ultimately should stay the same, but need to be goal-driven. The flow of actions that are controlled by principles will make you push a step forward and make it into a habit.
Again, using Stephen’s example of “Green & Clean” to teach his kid to be responsible. Asking his kid to maintain the yard to be “Green & Clean”, he is the “Boss for the yard”, and set a contract for a weekly inspection. Easy said than to be done. Day after day, the yard just pilling up with rubbish, and the grass is not properly maintained.
A week went by, on the day of inspection he broke down. He feels bad for the state they are at. Priority and value weren’t there. What change after that? Offer support. He offers a helping hand as per in the contract. Motivate and show the positive impact. In the end, things just get better.
In short, is similar to why we brush teeth or shower every day. “To stay hygiene”. The principles that are bonded since we are young. We are not forced to do it, but we just do it. Build principle, and things just get easier.
My Change
For once, I really want to be more energetic in the morning. Able to focus and provide more to my team. However, I always slept in late, and WFH makes it worst by waking up just slightly before official work hours start. Sometimes, just feel unmotivated after waking. But still, manage to push my way through.
I did try to wake earlier, but it backfired feeling more tired throughout the day. I guess, I just can’t sleep less than my usual 7 hours. Every night there is so much going on that I just tend to sleep late. It just happens. So, what I did was to tell myself that those things that I was working on in the night, can continue the next morning.
I literally convince myself to sleep early and on time (it has been for a week now). Been waking up early for my last week of PTO break, and it has been a great experiment. Waking up early feels there is so much more time to gather my thought. Turn on the podcast and go for an early morning jog. Those motivational podcasts just spark a lot of ideas which I used to do during commuting to work. I feel that time is much well spent over fiddling code or youtube in the night.
Looking forward to the refreshing start of the year. And produce something good!