Levels of work

I was clueless. Doing managerial work is different than as a Developer. I was merely doing exactly the something when I was a developer. Except that, I spend a bit more of the effort doing administrative work of the manager.

Without external trigger or coach, one is normally prompt to stuck at what they do day to day. That was me. The desire to grow, yet was unfulfilled with what I was doing, and not sure how to improve.

I am grateful that my new boss to coach and teach on stuff that is so valuable yet is just common sense. I have been doing with those without realizing it, and having clarity to differentiate it. Doesn’t make that much impact in the end of the day.


Strategic planning involve beyond the thinking of tactical strategy. The planning is involve in a longer time frame typically within a month to a quarter of execution. Some even can take years.

By looking at long term of trend, we need to plan future ahead what is the next move or direction to navigate. In extreme case, the whole boat can even steer into another direction.

To put it in layman term. Eg. By looking at the product sales trend and data, business will need to decide whether to continue growing the product or the product has reach it’s peak. If so, what new product can be make to continue improve and grow the business.


Planning and execution on this revolve around a shorter time span. Eg. At least follow up with the updates at least once a week time span.

This normally involve player in the leadership role such as Manager or Team Lead where they would need to follow up with tactical step of the strategic decision. They are to ensure the progress is being made in the tactical level.

The tactical execution is then delegate to the operation to work on those items.

  • Follow up on security, architecture, feature, product, resource and all sort of improvements.
  • Following from the example above, a tactical planning would be seeing how can we improve the weekly eval or sales.


This is basically the day to day job of a business. In software development perspective, that would be solving with backlogs, bugs and issues.

Following from the example again. An operation role would be having the salesman to go out making the sales.