Quality of a Tech Lead

If you have read my previous post. I am sure you know about the “thought struggle” I am fighting with. With that, here is the compiled list of what I think the quality of a Tech Lead should be.

1. Ability to learn new thing. Fast.

We often deals with the unknown. It can be programming language (c++, python, dart, etc), programming framework (React, Angular, ExpressJS, Firebase, Django, etc), or even domains (GIS, Supply Chain, Finance, Blockchain, etc).

Is common for us to not to know how to use all of those that exist. However, it is important for us to know and learn those that is needed when is needed. As this will be important in the next item.

New programming language, framework, even concept is constantly introduce into our current world. The curiosity and the ability self learn is the vital heartbeat of a tech lead.

2. Strong and confident with own technical skill

We’re will be often ask to build different kinds of solution. It can be from exiting software or sometimes from scratch due to business need to venture into new area or market.

We’ll need to equip our self with some of the common tools and structure everybody is using. To minimize friction for other people to get on-board.

Example like getting familiar with at least one of the cloud services such as AWS/Azure/GCP, nginx, docker, kubernetes, micro-service, queue-service, logging, and many more.

Apart from that understand of other domain is also required. Such as a bit of security, testing, design, product management, and more.

All of those will serve as the basic foundation when deriving solution as solution/software architect.

3. Ability to mentor, guide, and lead

That is we don’t just serve as the main programmer / designer of the solution we’re building. We also play as a role model within the team.

We need to learn how to motivate and improve the team technical ability and morale to work toward the finish line.

We need to provide guidance as well as training as needed so that task can be empower and delegate to others member to free up our resources for more crucial task.

Last but not least, being the communication bridge between the developers and product or management team when breaking down business concept into technical language.

4. Agile and DevOps

I couldn’t emphasis more on this than to put it last. I have seen so many job description that emphasis much on this, even down to the developer level also need to understand and operate within this.

Enough of big jargon. We are expected to know how to manage product development life-cycle and also managing the daily progress and the road-map of the development.


Being a tech lead can varies from experience, business or industry. What I have elaborate is my experience gather from exploring various job opportunity that are being written and tested in the interviewing process.

Looking back, sure is a huge bag need to be carried. With the right passion towards technology, getting learn and working on all the new tech that has to offer is already a fulfilling reward as it is.