Hosting with Hostinger

It has been a while since I last blog about anything. Just a quick ramp up of what has happen the past 1 years since my last post.

As from the title, I recently just switch my blogging site from dreamhost to hostinger. If you understand me well enough, I am pretty frugal or cheapsake in person. I used to share web-hosting services with my friend just to cut my monthly cost low.

The port of wordpress to here, I do face certain issue. Mainly was the database stuff. Not sure what is the cause the make the primary keys as well as auto-increment missing from my database. That has been resolve, thanks to this fixing-wordpress-indexes-and-primary-key.

Anyway, thanks to TechLead for the intro, I came to know about such cheap deal. And I took the chance to grab a hosting of my own. Somehow or another with this, it has open up much more possibilities for me to serve any host or website whenever I need to.

Stay tune for that, as over the year, I have build a couple of applications and documentations site that are to be share here.

Looking back at my previous post, I am happy to say that the blog about my SaaS product is ready. And currently in the process of aquiring my first customer to on board.

Follow up, which is still in progress is another fun application using my existing SPA framework with MS Graph to build some day to day application with my brother.

Finally, since the come back to a full time employee. We have successfully completed the long waited Cloud base GIS application with multi-tenant concept as well. Successfully deploy and serving it for 2 of our major customers in public transport and telco. Develop from ground zero within the span of 6 months.

That all for today. Coming up, I’ll breaking those down into bit and pieces on the technical side of those projects.